Nadine Samarasinghe Pathmaraj ( Founder/chairperson – Nadine’s Academy of Music Pvt Ltd

Starting with just one student 10 years ago the academy has grown to be a well know successful music school in Sri Lanka with over 100 students. The founder and chairperson of the academy Mrs. Nadine Samarasinghe Pathmaraj is a popular performing artist in the country and is a highly qualified musician as well. Being the first in Sri Lanka to obtain a Fellowship in classical singing from the London college of music, University of West London.

From the age of 4 years where she began to play the piano to later on taking the stage in Sri Lanka and internationally on many occasions, Nadine had become quite popular in the performing industry in Sri Lanka, nevertheless it was 10 years ago that she put her qualifications and performing experience to use and started a music academy. Today the academy has produced internationally award wining students and prize winners at London examinations. The academy has now branched out to a performing arts academy where they offer classes in piano, music theory, voice training, speech and drama and Guitar.

From performer to entrepreneur, Nadine has successfully made her name with sheer hard work and dedication. Form being a wife, mother to a career woman , Nadine has given all young females entrepreneur’s a great example.