Q: As a German brand operating in Sri Lanka, what is your assessment of the country’s economic landscape and its impact on your areas of operation?
A: Amidst Sri Lanka’s recent economic challenges, MAN Energy Solutions Lanka’s performance in large bore gas and diesel engines, as well as turbo machinery for marine and power generation applications, remained resilient.
Our company’s focus on innovative high quality solutions for marine and power generation aligns with Sri Lanka’s need for efficient infrastructure and energy solutions.
Sri Lanka’s significance as a critical location for the ship repair business has been instrumental in supporting MAN Energy Solutions Lanka’s resilience during challenging economic periods.
The country’s strategic geographical positioning along major shipping routes and our well equipped MAN PrimeServ workshop have facilitated a thriving ship repair sector.

Managing Director
Q: What hopes and aspirations do you have for Sri Lanka’s economy next year?
A: MAN Energy Solutions Lanka hopes for economic stability and recovery in the country next year. The company hopes for improved fiscal policies, reduced political and economic volatility, and sustained growth momentum.
Anticipating governmental support for infrastructure development in power and energy projects, a conducive business environment will further foster greater investment opportunities.
Q: Could you share your organisation’s brand philosophy for its Sri Lankan operations?
A: Our organisation’s overall goal is to pave the way towards a climate neutral global economy. We are addressing tomorrow’s challenges within the marine, energy and industrial sectors.
Our technology portfolio contains the experience of over 250 years of engineering traditions. Together with our customers, we’re determined to make the fight against climate change the basis of our future business growth.
In Sri Lanka, we are aiming to help the local economy achieve sustainable value creation in the transition towards a carbon neutral future.
Q: How has your organisation adapted to the local market over the years?
A: MAN Energy Solutions Lanka has adapted to Sri Lanka’s ship repair market by establishing a sophisticated workshop equipped with cutting-edge technology.
We actively recruit and train qualified local human resources, fostering skill development and expertise within the workforce. This strategy ensures the delivery of high quality diesel engine repair services while simultaneously empowering the local talent pool, enabling us to meet the demands of the industry, and contribute significantly to the maritime and power sectors’ growth in Sri Lanka.
Q: German brands are celebrated for their quality and product or service excellence. How are these qualities reflected in your product or service portfolio?
A: Quality and service excellence are within our DNA but our capabilities also extend well beyond that, by defining industry standards through our innovative and well-engineered products.
Q: Organisations of German origin are known for their professionalism, work ethic and reliability. How does your organisation live up to these values in your operations here?
A: MAN Energy Solutions is a global company with more than 140 sites worldwide. It’s headquartered in Augsburg, Germany. Therefore, core values such as professionalism, quality and reliability are firmly anchored in our business principles.
But it’s also essential that we perfectly harmonise these with the local values and requirements of our customers in Sri Lanka. And as a local subsidiary, it is our strength that we’re in a position to combine the best of both worlds.
Q: How does your organisation capitalise on technological advancements to enhance operational excellence?
A: We are closely monitoring technological trends and advancements, and evaluating how these support our customers in growing their businesses.
Furthermore, we’re constantly growing and adapting our product portfolio to meet our customers’ future demands especially when it comes to climate neutrality.
Our portfolio now features a broad variety of engines that can run on climate neutral fuels including green methanol and e-methane, which are derived from green hydrogen. It’s our aspiration to deliver services to our customers in Sri Lanka for such future solutions.
Q: What are your organisation’s plans going forward?
A: As part of our after sales brand PrimeServ, MAN Energy Solutions Lanka aims to expand by developing a marine propeller repair facility and establishing a new workshop in the Maldives to serve that market.
These plans signify our company’s commitment to enhancing its service offerings in repair and maintenance, further solidifying its position in the maritime and power generation sectors, while tapping into new geographical markets for sustained growth and service excellence.
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