The problems in Sri Lanka include corruption, the misuse of connections,
interference and the right people
not having an opportunity to
be in the right positions…Dilhani Albert

Financial inclusion is
pretty much the need of
the hour for sustainable
and continued economic
development…Amena Arif

We need to ensure that
‘co-curricular’ activities are
encouraged so that children
can work on collaborating
rather than competing…Dr. Anila Dias Bandaranaike

While every corner of the
world will be connected,
we will witness more
international cooperation
among countriesChulamanee Chartsuwan

The domestic regulatory
framework must be brought
in line with international
benchmarks…Divya Casie Chetty

The digital revolution
has obviously helped
in providing content to
people whenever and
however they want it…Nilmini Gunaratne

Incentives and opportunities
are needed to retain our
most intelligent and
innovative citizens…Nishanie Jayamaha

Tax structures and
capital gains tax impact
an otherwise robust market,
which should be addressed
by the authorities…Roshanie Jayasundera-Moraes

Ignore the negative mindset
of what a woman’s place in
Sri Lankan society should
be and break the mould…Niloo Jayatilake

PR professionals should go
beyond press releases and
craft angles around original
content or events that
are newsworthy…Amali Jayawardena

We have to offer attractive
and compelling training-based
learning for our youth – and
educate them about promising
career opportunities…Farzana Khan

The world is moving towards
a knowledge economy, industry
standards are growing rapidly
and the market is being
disrupted by technology…Dilrukshi Kurukulasuriya

We need to encourage
quality education and
a hands-on dimension.
Our youth must think
critically and creatively…Aruni Mahipala

It will be important for Sri
Lanka to nurture startups
beyond digital, and enable
those that are willing to
take on both technology
and market risk…Indira Malwatte

Attracting fresh talent is
a challenge but as the ad
industry evolves to more
digital business, this
may change…Neela Marikkar

Sri Lanka’s education system
continues to be conventional
and doesn’t seem to provide
the opportunities or requisite
expertise for students…Chandani Mohotti

We are very fortunate to
be living in an era where
gender equality is being
embraced by communities
and companies…Selonica Nalawansa

Green banking is the way
forward – as responsible
citizens of the planet, we
need to be conscious of
our environment…Nilani Seneviratne

Ultimately, the CEO is
the head of HR with
every manager in the
organisation following
suit as responsible
human resource
managers…Darshi Talpahewa

A confident mindset plays
a major role in empowering
women, followed by
networking – and both
factors lead to success…Lakmini Wijesundara