Compiled by Tamara Rebeira


Niroshan Silva underscores coaching and mentoring as instrumental tools

Q: Can you share insights into the challenges related to coaching and mentoring in Sri Lanka today?

A: Firstly, most assessment tools such as psychometric tests are only available in English. While these tools are invaluable for understanding one’s personality, English language fluency among individuals varies – particularly in Sri Lanka.

As such, they are largely restricted to senior teams that are proficient in the language.

Secondly, the pool of executive coaches in Sri Lanka is quite limited as this is a relatively new concept here.

Despite efforts by professional bodies like International Coaching Federation (ICF) Colombo to promote the profession, identifying experienced coaches with suitable credentials remains a challenge.

Thirdly, given that Sri Lanka is a lower middle income nation, there’s a sensitivity to costs. Executive coaching fees can be perceived as a considerable expense, making such services accessible primarily to higher-ranking employees. This leaves lower grade staff without access to valuable developmental resources.

Q: What strategies are most effective in fostering professional growth, in your opinion?

A: Professionals who have a survival mentality often find it challenging to prioritise personal development amid concerns about the cost of living, their children’s future and potential opportunities overseas.

Many invest in qualifications without clear career paths, leading to frustration.

According to a 2022 Forbes Insights study, 58 percent of employees desire meaningful conversations with their managers, highlighting the need for effective communication.

To address these challenges, staying adaptable to environmental changes and fostering individual growth plans are essential. Corporates must prioritise leadership development to navigate generational shifts and geopolitical complexities.

Creating a five year skill matrix aligned with national development goals is vital for technical professionals to contribute effectively. Coaching and mentoring play pivotal roles in helping individuals strategise, for both personal and professional growth.

Q: How important is balancing traditional values and expectations in this day and age?

A: Values serve as the foundation for ethical conduct, respect and work-life behaviour with their interpretation evolving over time due to external influences. But I contest the belief of a clear dichotomy between traditional values and modern expectations.

As coaches, it’s imperative to recognise the evolving nature of such values. While equality once focussed primarily on physical facilities decades ago, contemporary expectations such as diversity and inclusion (D&I) have broadened this perspective.

Given the diversity of viewpoints, our role is to listen and comprehend rather than pass judgement. We should adopt a client-centric approach, maintaining objectivity while collaborating closely with them. A skilled coach may gently challenge perspectives to encourage growth or offer attentive silence if the client demonstrates self-awareness.

Regardless, stimulating thoughtful reflection and dialogue remains paramount.

Q: What role does coaching and mentoring play in enhancing employee satisfaction?

A: A mentor plays a pivotal role in helping employees and employers optimise happiness in the workplace.

A 2022 APHRD survey states that in Sri Lanka, 42 percent of professionals contemplate changing careers due to stress and limited opportunities while a 2023 Ceylon Chamber of Commerce study indicates 38 percent of organisations grapple with em­ployee retention issues, echoing global trends.

Through coaching, individuals are encouraged to introspect and identify areas for personal growth, embarking on a journey of skill enhancement and career advancement. This fosters a deeper understanding of their role within the corporate, aligning personal goals with organisational objectives, and instilling a sense of purpose and fulfilment.

Moreover, coaching facilitates targeted support and feedback, leading to enhanced performance and a heightened sense of accomplishment.

Mentors offer guidance on career progression, goal setting and navigating internal opportunities, while fostering open communication between employees and managers to strengthen relationships, and create a supportive environment to address challenges, manage stress and maintain work-life balance.

Q: Given the increasing importance of sustainability, how do you integrate coaching and mentoring to foster environmentally conscious practices?

A: Coaches and mentors play a crucial role in fostering collaborative decision making, creating sustainable solutions and cultivating a culture where all ideas are valued, thereby fostering a sense of ownership among teams.

They facilitate cross-company partnerships and equip employees with tools to integrate sustainability into decision-making processes.

Mentors share best practices and industry trends while coaches help employees understand the environmental impact of their actions. And mentors connect the organisation with external agencies, enriching collective knowledge and promoting continuous learning.

The interviewee is certified by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) as a Master Certified Coach (MCC).