South Indian Heritage Flavours at Cinnamon Grand Colombo’s The Courtyard

Colombo, Sri Lanka – 07th September 2024: South Indian cuisine is renowned for its vibrant use of spices, aromatic herbs, and curries that draw deeply from the earth’s natural offerings. Ingredients such as coconut, tree bark, turmeric, and the rich red hue of organic chillies form the foundation of its recipes. Tamil Nadu introduces hearty dishes like the classic dosa and sambar pairing, while Kerala makes abundant use of the beloved coconut as a base, complementing its rich seafood offerings. In contrast, Andhra Pradesh celebrates bold, spicy flavours, incorporating tangy elements like tamarind and fiery chillies. Meanwhile, Karnataka offers a delicate balance of sweet and fresh elements, highlighted in its rice-based dishes.

Cinnamon Grand Colombo invites you to experience the essence of regional South India with its South Indian Culinary Experience at The Courtyard, commencing on 05th September 2024. This thoughtfully curated dinner buffet, priced at LKR 6,500 net per person, showcases the traditional flavours of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, and Karnataka.

The buffet experience is further enriched by live performances of Kathakali and Bharatanatyam. In India, the art of dance is often seamlessly woven into mealtime experiences. Kathakali, a classical dance form from Kerala, is celebrated for its elaborate costumes, vivid facial expressions, and intricate storytelling. Meanwhile, Bharatanatyam, originating from Tamil Nadu, is a graceful and expressive art form, blending rhythm, emotion, and narrative to offer an engaging insight into South India’s cultural traditions.

Inspired by the Chutneys Restaurant at Cinnamon Grand Colombo, each dish in this buffet reflects a quiet celebration of authentic ingredients and time-honored cooking techniques. The soft rhythms of traditional South Indian music further enhance the ambiance, transforming the meal into a serene yet immersive cultural experience.

As part of this offering, guests can enjoy a 20% discount on food with NTB AMEX and Master Credit Cards, from the 05th to the 12th of September 2024.