Hair Wizard [ as he is fondly known] Gerald Solomons of Chagall, who is known for his flamboyant sense of fashion and passion for looking good no matter the circumstances, speaks of his predictions vis a vis hair, make up and fashion for both men and women for 2023, with a special wish for Sri Lanka that peace and prosperity will once again reign in our island home .

Gerald and his team at Chagall wish everyone a happy Christmas and a wonderful 2023 !

1.Gerald how have the last few months been at the Salon. With all the economic and political turmoil, has business been affected ?

Not at all, not for us. In fact it’s been really good. Even during the fuel shortage business was booming. Actually the good hairdressers were all busy. As to why, maybe it was that people were bored and just fed up with the never ending problems and crises, hence wanted to keep their spirits up by looking good for themselves even if they were not going out.

  1. With the onset of the festive season do you think that people are ready to party or not ?

People are definitely ready to party. More than ready in fact and have been doing so now for a while. Even during lockdown !!!

  1. With regards to hair, make up and clothes, for both men and women, what will be the most favoured looks ?

With regards to Women’s hair, most definitely the ice blonde / blonde grey look is out. What’s more it ruins dark hair. Hair will be more slicked back whether long or short , while make up will see eyebrows and eyelashes dominating the looks . Eyebrows will be ultra thick, while lashes will have fluttery extensions. However care should be taken that they don’t look unnatural. Hair will be more naturally styled while waves will dominate. Whether hair is short or long its essential that it be well cut, while waves which will be very much in fashion will be of different lengths, and ultra feminine. With regards to clothes, well today anything and everything is in fashion and people mix and match different styles of different periods too. However elegance will never go out of fashion and to me is integral to whatever one wears. When it comes to colour, Lilac is very much in vogue, as is white, while black the perennial favourite will always be a hit !

When it comes to Men, beards will no longer be bushy but meticulously trimmed and shaped. Hair will be parted with the parting cut into the hair. It will be shorter than in the past and well cut and groomed. Low trousers will most definitely be OUT and instead will be more high cut and flared – wide legs and baggy; almost like Oxford Bags. The accent wll be on good shoes and open shirts with men wearing that hallmark of the well dressed lady , a rope of pearls ! Yes indeed, pearls for the well dressed man will be very much in vogue !  Shoes will be either flat or with thicker soles to mact the baggy pants. Balloon pants are also back for men, clinched at the ankle

  1. What is your personal preference for men and women via a vis the perfect look ?

As to the perfect look – if you are confident of yourself and what you are wearing, then that is your individual perfect look .

  1. What is the look you favour most for yourself ?

I am a guy of diverse tastes, but am essentially flamboyant and blingy, colouful and vibrant

  1. Name 3 of the best dressed men and women whom you think are always fashionable and stylish ?

Women – Jacquie Mei, Yoland Aluvihare and Saskia Fernando.

Jacquie is always tastefully trendy and elegant and has a lovely body which makes her look good in anything. Yoland is a woman of timeless elegance who manages to infuse a bit of funkiness in whatever she wears and complements her clothes with the most amazing jewellery. Saskia is consistently simplistic and elegant in her attire and portrays an image of clean, uncluttered elegance.

Men – Shane Perera is always interestingly attired and is funky and zany in appearance. Blesh Pallegedera is always superbly well dressed and coordinated , while Gehan Perera has a casual, chic elegance , while being extremely good looking as well.

  1. What would you like Santa Claus to bring you ?

A lot of money in my stocking and peace and prosperity for Sri Lanka

  1. Do you think 2023 will pose more hardships for the industry with regards to the import of products essential to your business?

No as cosmetics have now been permitted to enter the country

  1. Name 1 person for whom you would like to do a complete makeover ?

Harshini Nadeson. She has lovely hair and very good features, but needs to look younger and more her age. More with it . As for men, my goodness there are so many who need a makeover, I wouldn’t know where to begin ! It’s impossible to single them out.

  1. What is your new year resolution ?

To be happy no matter what the circumstances and most definitely open my Hairdressing school this year

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