US DOLLAR: RS. 295.46    UK POUND: RS. 380.75    EURO: RS. 320.68    JAPANESE YEN: RS. 2.00    INDIAN RUPEE: RS. 3.38    AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR: RS. 185.46



This week on LMDtv, COVID BLOCKBUSTER: Protection, mitigation and life after a vaccine, all bundled…
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Q: In what way does CSR come into play vis-à-vis corporate respect? CSR is a core pillar of being a respected corporate – it’s important that companies use their position and abilities to help drive change and positively impact people’s lives.
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Q: Why is honesty important in business, in your opinion? Honesty and integrity form the cornerstones of any successful business. As a business leader, honesty is a key trait you would want to see in any stakeholder.
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Q: Is nation-mindedness a priority for business establishments in the present context? With COVID-19 having pushed local industries – especially micro businesses and SMEs – to the brink, it is imperative that business establishments join together to support the nation.
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